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Jade Malinish

Graphic Designer


Outside The Box


Something I've been becoming increasingly advanced at is animation. This animation was created with layers in photoshop. I created my name (Jade Malinish) in InDesign. The font is century gothic but I curved the edges and made my own "a". I also changed the colors to green in order to match my first name, Jade. The idea was for my full name to be the box and to think beyond the norm.


Assignment 3


For this assignment I used two fonts - Miata and Garamond. Miata was only used for the singular curvilinear though. I wanted to do something different than everyone else was doing, therefore mine have a bit more white space but they still look nice. I also wanted to include some vibrant colors and made my static (5 letter) an analogous color scheme.

Screen Shot 2022-03-17 at 1.28.51 PM.png
5 image w words.jpg
5 image web.jpg
Assignment 4


Not sure why its blurry here (or maybe its my computer),  but I'm using my images here and a quote I found about anxiety. At first I tried to use complimentary colors for the green but I couldn't get them to show up very well so I stuck with white. I also used a little off white pink for the text on the trees. Below is the before image before the words. The font is Garamond.

anxiety quote.jpg
Assignment 4


This image was taken at the graveyard up the road. I love how spooky it looks so I decided to go with a death/death of love quote, considering it is a graveyard.  I used Garamond for this font. Below is the version without the words and just the boxes.

image (5) boxes.jpg
image (5) text.jpg
death quote.jpg
image (3) words.jpg
Assignment  4


 In one of these I wanted to use an image of myself. This one had the best background. I chose another anxiety quote because I suffer from anxiety and it really gets the best of me sometimes so I wanted to showcase that in some form. I used Eras Medium ITC and pulled the color off the sky/water.

image (3) words boxes.jpg
anxiety quote 2.jpg
Assignment 4


 Something I absolutely love is nature and the beach. I was able to capture some lightning and found a nice love quote that was based on the beach. I also used Garamond here. I know the text on the left (on the railing) is small and hard to read but its kind of intentional. I wanted it to be small and to make you look for the text. Below is the image with the boxes. I know they are green, but the one on the rail is black. I left it black because to help the text show a little better, I changed the opacity.

beach (3) boxs.jpg
beach (3) boxes.jpg
beach quote.jpg
road 3 wprds.jpg
road 3 boxes.jpg
Assignment 4


I took this image on my senior trip. The beautiful, open scene provides a good space to create in. I used another anxiety quote so in hopes to make the quote fit the scene, I made it spaced kind of awkwardly. I was originally going to make one of the quotes be in the road but that would have been hard to read and too compact. I used Eras light in this one. I didn't use any color but I could perhaps go back and add it if you guys think it is necessary but I believe that it looks nice in black and white.

“Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life. Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it's often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life paralysis.”
― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

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